Sentence to think about :  The less I can see, the higher birds fly  farid
Sentence to think about :  Slow time is many short times lost  Farid
Sentence to think about :    Farid al Bahrli
Sentence to think about :   If you give me an apple and I give you an idea, Both of us will have that idea but I will have also an apple   George Bernard Shaw modified by Farid
Sentence to think about :   The world is small but the sea is great then is the best place to meet   Farid al Bahrli
Sentence to think about :   Ma décision est prise, mais par qui?     Farid al Bahrli


Meilleurs voeux 2015 - 28/01/2015 > 16:48 by farid

Good year 2015,

Today 1/3 of Amphoras, 1/3 of Amphitrites 43 et 1/4 of Amphitrites MS 45 are recorded on this website !
each meeting I had with "Amphs" was a real pleasure, I see new friendships coming around this website and it makes me fell good.
I hope this year will bring more and more to every members.

Long life to the Amphs

Farid al Bahrli